To Practice Mindfulness Is to Return to Life – Thich Nhat Hanh
To practice mindfulness is to become alive. Life is so precious, yet in our daily lives we are carried away by our forgetfulness, anger and worries. We are often lost in the past, unable to touch life in the present moment. When we are truly alive, everything we touch or do is a miracle….

There’s More To Life Than Being Happy
In September 1942, Viktor Frankl, a prominent Jewish psychiatrist and neurologist in Vienna, was arrested and transported to a Nazi concentration camp with his wife and parents. Three years later, when his camp was liberated, most of his family, including his pregnant...
Post-Traumatic Stress’s Surprisingly Positive Flip Side – May 1, 2017
Sgt. Jeffrey Beltran pulled a heavily creased Post-it note from the pocket of his fatigues, unfolded it and looked over a list he jotted down earlier that day: pick up an order of beef lo mein, take his dress uniform to work (jacket, pants and boots), do schoolwork....
A Day in the Life of a Narcissist, adapted by Psychology Today Magazine
written by: Susan Krauss Whitbourne, PhD Self-centered and attention-grabbing with a tendency toward manipulating others and deceiving themselves. These are probably the words that come to mind when you think of narcissists. In the classic sense, narcissists suffer...
Social Animal by David Brooks
After the boom and bust, the mania and the meltdown, the Composure Class rose once again. Its members didn’t make their money through hedge-fund wizardry or by some big financial score. Theirs was a statelier ascent. They got good grades in school, established solid...
Mentor Program
NPI MENTORING PROGRAM Purpose: The Nashville Psychotherapy Institute has dedicated itself to the promotion and growth of excellence in the mental, emotional and physical health care of the individuals of which it serves. In order to achieve this end, one of...
Mirror, Mirror On the Couch – May 1, 2017
Mirror, Mirror on the Couch Written by: Angela Hart LPC, MHSP Recently I found myself feeling impatient with a client. I’ll call her Margo. She had broken up with a married man a few months prior. The man, who at one time had plans to leave his wife to pursue...
The Powerlessness of Positive Thinking by Adam Alter, originally published at TheNewYorker.com – May 1, 2017
The Powerlessness of Positive Thinking by Adam Alter Originally published at www.TheNewyorker.com Since publishing “The Secret,” in 2006, the Australian author Rhonda Byrne has been writing self-help manifestos based on the idea that people who think positive...