Board Of Directors

Interested in Serving on the NPI Board of Directors?
Serving on the Board of Directors of NPI is a great way to get to know colleagues and to have fun while making a contribution to a vital professional organization.

Board Composition and Expectations
The Board of Directors consists of at least 10 and no more than 15 members to include a student board member.  With the exception of the Hutton Historian, Board Members are elected and nominations can be made by standing board members or from the membership at large.  Board Members serve a three-year term.  The Student Member serves a one-year term. Typically, there are eleven monthly board meetings that take place prior the NPI monthly luncheons (the second Friday) and one board retreat meeting at the beginning of the calendar year.  Board Members are expected to attend all Board Meetings and to limit absences to no more than two per calendar year.  Additionally, Board Members are expected to chair/co-chair at least one committee or programming event. Board Members receive complimentary attendance to one workshop event each calendar year during their term of service.

NPI Nominating Committee
The NPI Nominating Committee is comprised of two to three advisory board members and is chaired by the Hutton Historian. (The Hutton Historian is someone with past NPI board experience and is appointed by the Chair to a one-year term.) The Advisory Board is comprised of past NPI Chairs/Co-Chairs who are current members of NPI.  The nominating committee begins the process of collecting names in May, conducting interviews June-July.  The Nominating Committee chooses names from the pool of applicants in July and the Board election takes place in August.

If you are interested in applying to be considered for a Board Position, fill out the application.

If you are interested in participating in an NPI Committee, LEARN MORE & APPLY HERE.