From the Book of Life – www.thebookoflife.org What Is Therapy For? In almost all countries and communities around the world, there is one central (usually unvoiced) suspicion that arises whenever someone lets slip that they are ‘having therapy’: they are crazy....
Couch is a series about psychotherapy. “I’m meeting my boss later,” my patient said. “I’m worried she’s going to tell me I’m not pulling my weight, and that I should volunteer to work more hours to show my commitment.” This tension had been building at her job...
From the Gaurdian UK: http://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/jan/07/therapy-wars-revenge-of-freud-cognitive-behavioural-therapy David Pollens is a psychoanalyst who sees his patients in a modest ground-floor office on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, a...
This article, written by Laura Holson, was published in the New York Times on April 17, 2015 Over breakfast at Cafe Mogador in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Ilan Zechory couldn’t stop talking about the complicated relationship with his best friend, Tom Lehman. Mr. Zechory...
The ‘Rules’ of Psychotherapy by Robin Weiss published in the New York Times on November 22, 2014 When Julia first appeared in my office, she was approaching her 35th birthday. She had resolved it would be her last. A hard-working surgeon at a nearby...
Secrets of the Creative Brain by Nancy Andreasen ♦ June 25th, 2014 adapted from The Atlantic Montly Magazine A leading neuroscientist who has spent decades studying creativity shares her research on where genius comes from, whether it is dependent on high IQ—and why...
A Revolutionary Approach to Treating PTSD By JENEEN INTERLANDI Published in the New York Times Magazine ♦ MAY 22, 2014 Bessel van der Kolk sat cross-legged on an oversize pillow in the center of a smallish room overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Big Sur. He wore khaki...
This Old Man: Life in the Nineties by Roger Angell originally published in the New Yorker Magazine Feb 2014 Check me out. The top two knuckles of my left hand look as if I’d been worked over by the K.G.B. No, it’s more as if I’d been a catcher for the Hall of Fame...
A version of this op-ed appears in print on August 4, 2013, on page SR8 of the New York edition with the headline: The Trauma of Being Alive. TEH TALKING with my 88-year-old mother, four and a half years after my father died from a brain tumor, I was surprised to...
Interview with Jonathan Shedler Published April 23, 2013 by The Editors of DIVISION/Review: A Quarterly Psychoanalytic Forum Link to article at www.divisionreview.com...