NPI has a Meetup Group. Come join us! – May 1, 2017

NPI has a Meetup Group. Come join us! – May 1, 2017

  Emerging from the NPI Connections Retreat in spring 2014, the Community Building Action Group, led by Linda Odom, met over the summer to brainstorm ways to facilitate community and strengthen connection between new and veteran members of NPI.   When discussing ways...
What is Therapy For? – May 1, 2017

What is Therapy For? – May 1, 2017

From the Book of Life – What Is Therapy For? In almost all countries and communities around the world, there is one central (usually unvoiced) suspicion that arises whenever someone lets slip that they are ‘having therapy’: they are crazy....
Why Therapists Should Talk Politics – March 15, 2016

Why Therapists Should Talk Politics – March 15, 2016

Couch is a series about psychotherapy.   “I’m meeting my boss later,” my patient said. “I’m worried she’s going to tell me I’m not pulling my weight, and that I should volunteer to work more hours to show my commitment.” This tension had been building at her job...